HP SureStore 3U k Rack Kit - storage enclosure

Model: C6528A

HP SureStore 3U k Rack Kit - Storage enclosure - 4 bays - rack-mountable

The full-height rack kit provides four storage bays, racking four half-height, two full-height, or a mixture of two half-height and one full-height rack optimized modules. The rack kit consumes 3 EIA in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet. Full-height rack optimized drives include the DLT 80k, DLT 70k, and DLT 40k tape drives. Half-height rack optimized drives include the DAT8k, DAT24k, DAT40k, CD-ROM32k, and the 4GB, 9GB, and 18GB hard disk drives. Easily configure, change, or add on to either rack kit...modules slide effortlessly into their slots! HP SureStore 3U k Rack kit is a 4 bay, full-height rack kit for non-HP 19" standard rack (including Compaq, Dell, and IBM). Includes: user manual; Y power cable; 0.5M 68-pin-68-pin daisy chain cable; two doors, custom rails.

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